Employer accused of withholding wages and charged with theft

by | Nov 8, 2017 | Theft

Running a business can be overwhelming and difficult. In addition, some owners may discover they were not as skilled at running a business as they may have assumed. Lack of adequate accounting and managing can result in difficulties for a business and may result in the questioning of a business’s integrity. Recently, a business owner was charged with theft after failing to pay employees.

The Pennsylvania Department of Human Services was recently notified by an employee of a 79 bed residential home, which serviced dementia patients, that she had not been paid for her services. Reportedly, she was not paid for work during August, September and October. Her unpaid wages reportedly totaled almost $1500.

The 59-year-old business owner allegedly offered to pay the employee’s wages off-the-books and offered no documentation, such as a pay stub. After the Department of Human Services was contacted, a decision was made to remove the 19 residents from the facility to other places of skilled care. Due to the way the owner handled the employee’s payment, the owner now must attend a hearing in criminal court and defend her business practices.

Being charged with theft in the business world can be detrimental to a person’s career. Whether or not evidence of guilt exists, the charges can ruin a person’s reputation. Persons charged with white collar crimes such as this one often find it beneficial to ask an attorney in Pennsylvania for guidance on how to handle their situations. Not only can attorneys advise defendants as they travel through the criminal justice system, but they may also offer advice on how to handle the aftermath.

Source: timesonline.com, “Residents evacuated from Katera’s Kove after owner charged with theft,” Jared Stonesifer, Oct. 31, 2017