What are summer slip and fall risks?

by | Jun 6, 2019 | Slip And Fall Injuries

In Pennsylvania, most of the biggest weather-related risks for slip and fall injuries are found in the winter. With summer, there isn’t any ice or snow to worry about. However, that doesn’t mean there are no slipping risks at all. Today, LISKO & ASSOCIATES will examine some slip and fall risks specific to summer.

Of course, one of the biggest risks is the pool. While many people retreat there to stay cool during the blazing summer months, it can actually hold the biggest potential for injury. Not every pool has all of the safety measures in place that it should. Does your pool have a lifeguard? What about signs warning people not to run around the water’s edge, where the deck is at its most slippery?

Water poses risks in other forms, as well. In summer, many people wash their cars or water their lawns, potentially leaving the sidewalk slick with soap residue and water. Additionally, because of the heat, asphalt and pavement tends to warp in the hottest months. Pitting, cracking, denting and other abnormalities can lead to uneven pavement on sidewalks or in parking lots, which can increase your chances of tripping and falling.

Have you been hurt in a slip and fall incident? Are you wondering if your case is eligible for compensation? Take a look at our webpage on slip and fall accidents and injuries, linked here, to learn more about different compensation options for slip and fall incidents. You can also contact our attorneys to discuss your case.