Pennsylvania truck accidents can cause serious harm and damage

by | Apr 3, 2017 | Truck Accidents

Anyone that has driven beside or behind a big rig on Pennsylvania roads knows that the size difference between most other vehicles and tractor-trailer trucks is significant. Largely due to the size difference, when truck accidents occur, serious damage, injuries and death may result. Unfortunately, for innocent accident victims the resulting injuries can completely change how they previously experienced life. Not only may some lives be altered, but accident related expenses can add up quickly, often creating significant financial stress.

Recently, loud collision noises attracted several nearby residents to the scene of the accident. One resident explained that the intersection also was a train crossing, and was not uncommon for semi-trucks to make a lot of noise when crossing them. On the day of the accident, the noise was significantly louder. 

Initial reports of the accident state that the semi-truck first had impact with a convertible before striking a second vehicle. The second vehicle, a pickup truck, was torn in two pieces. The semi came to a stop in a nearby creek. Three people were seriously injured, and they all had to be flown to nearby medical facilities.

Dealing with the aftermath and damage that often results after truck accidents can be overwhelming. The three injured victims will all have expensive medical and therapy bills as they focus on recovering from their injuries. Pennsylvania personal injury attorneys with experience in handling claims involving trucking companies can advise accident victims of their litigation rights in a civil court and/or help them navigate the insurance claim process.

Source:, “Three people flown from Butler County accident scene”, March 28, 2017