Don’t spin your wheels after an injury-causing motorcycle collision

by | Jan 19, 2018 | Blog

While the weather is cold and it’s not riding season right now, in a few short months it will be. Motorcyclists have unique experiences on the road. Unlike passenger car drivers, they can take advantage of the freedom that comes with driving motorcycles. However, they also face dangers that other motorists do not have to worry about. 

For example, if you’re a motorcyclist, you have no barrier to protect you from the road. In addition, car drivers might struggle to see you. If you suffer an injury-causing motorcycle collision in Pennsylvania because a car driver was not paying proper attention to the road, you may have the right to seek to hold him or her accountable.

What are my chances of getting injured as a motorcyclist?

Research shows that in 66 percent of accidents involving motorcycles and other automobiles, the automobile drivers violated the right of way of the motorcyclists, thus causing the accidents. In addition, when you ride a motorcycle, you have a 26 times greater chance of dying compared with a passenger in a car. Furthermore, you have a five times higher likelihood of suffering an injury. Unfortunately, the quantity of fatalities involving motorcyclists is two times higher than it was back in 1999.

Because motorcycles are smaller than cars, motorcyclists can face increased chances of being hit in bad weather or when road conditions are poor. This is especially true at intersections, where about 70 percent of these types of accidents take place.

What types of injuries are common in motorcycle accidents?

Unfortunately, the injuries that result from motorcycle accidents can be catastrophic. These potential injuries include the following:

  • Back injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Road rash

Prejudice against the drivers of motorcycles is not uncommon. Unfortunately, if you have been hurt in an accident that a negligent car driver caused, the driver might attempt to blame you.

What are my rights following a motorcycle accident?

You may have the right to seek compensation following an injury-causing motorcycle collision that resulted from another driver’s carelessness. A monetary award, if granted, may help you to cover your medical bills and even the loss of wages if your injuries prevented you from being able to continue working for an extended period of time. No amount of compensation can undo the events leading to your motorcycle accident-related injuries. However, it may help you to feel a sense of justice following this type of accident.