Assault at bar leads to jail time for Pennsylvania man

by | May 16, 2017 | Assault

As the school year ends, celebrations will begin. For many students and adults the celebrating may involve consuming alcohol. Unfortunately, some individuals do not make wise choices with alcohol in their system. When the poor choices lead to conflict with the law, one choice can result in a multitude of consequences. One man in Pennsylvania recently was found guilty of assault after enjoying an evening at a bar.

The 28-year-old man was leaving a bar with his female companion when conflict arose. According to reports another man fell against his vehicle while he and the female were in it, prompting him to exit his vehicle. The men began to fight and other bystanders got involved. At some point during the argument, he retrieved a handgun from his vehicle and pointed it at the other four men that were involved in the brawl.

He and his female friend left the scene before authorities were able to arrive, but they were later found during a traffic stop. Both he and the female were arrested and charged. The outcome of her case is unknown, but he was convicted and sentenced to five years in prison.

Unfortunately, the consequences for the man’s assault conviction will not end with his jail sentence. Any future graduate school, rental and employment applications may be hindered. Anyone who faces a similar assault charge and possible conviction in Pennsylvania will benefit from the advice of Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney. In cases like this one where a conviction may not have been able to be avoided, attorneys can attempt to negotiate lesser sentences. In other cases, attorneys may be able to highlight evidence to avoid a conviction altogether.

Source:, “Pa. man convicted on assault charges after Glen Burnie bar brawl“, E.B. Furgurson III, May 4, 2017