A Book For Every College Student And Their Parents

by | Mar 3, 2017 | Sex Assault

Earlier this year a book entitled The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack Of Due Process At American Universities entered the marketplace. Quoting from the Wall Street Journal, the authors “K. C. Johnson and Stewart Taylor, Jr. dismantled this myth of a campus rape crisis and show how, with alarming frequency, colleges mistreat students accused of assault by failing to allow them any meaningful opportunity to prove their innocence”. It should be noted that the authors also wrote another book titled Until Proven Innocent about the Duke Lacrosse rape case and how outside factors, which have nothing to do with the truth, affected the outcome.

A complete review of the book may be found in the January 27, 2017 addition of the Wall Street Journal. As a lawyer in a college town who has been representing students and their parents for over 40 years, I believe every college student and their parents should at least read the review of the Johnson-Taylor book .